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Mark Foley
Dr. Foley is an active Christian speaker, teacher, writer, and consultant in the arena of spiritual development and organizational effectiveness.
Experience - university president; business owner; professional counselor; ordained minister; platform speaker; author; graduate school senior executive
Education -
Ph.D. in Psychology and Counseling
Master's degree in Divinity
Bachelor's degree in Business Administration
Post-doctoral studies at Harvard University
Here is what we do...
MFC has a unique and focused facilitate organizational development and effectiveness through the integration of spiritual principles in the Christian tradition with operational practices in for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.
The engagement is highly customized to the needs and desires of business or organizational leadership and is conducted through a one-on-one coaching/teaching relationship with the chief executive officer or owner over a period of time and includes the following elements.
Organizational Evaluation & Strategy
Executive Coaching
Special Projects
Leadership Development
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